ステンレス鋼 メタルアイシングキューブキッチンツール

ステンレス鋼 メタルアイシングキューブキッチンツール

【ステンレス鋼 メタルアイシングキューブキッチンツール ウイスーキーロック ジュース アイスクリームなどに】
al-32477341622 Single pcs stainless steel ice frozen ice particles whiskey ice cubes frozen ice metal Material; Shell made of pure food grade SUS304 stainless steel the housing smooth easy to clean; environmentally safe durable high strength not damaged. Cooling liquid using edible alcohol mixed with purified water stable liquid nature non-toxic safe and sanitary. Product performance; 1 safety and environmental protection comprehensive alternative water ice products. Re-use saving time and effort. 2 for high-end hotels bars wine refrigeration replacing Fu system Bingpo private tailor 3 for families of various types of frozen drinks milk cooling and other authentic and convenient. 4 for a variety of purposes other needs Bingpo medical physical cooling cold and other sports. 5 fun and practical products fine suits to your life more fun. Features; 1 the product is physical cooling principle can be unlimited recycling easy to clean; hazards to avoid using unclean water into ice crystal on the human body; it does not cause the melting of the ice crystal and affect the taste dilution; -12 Celsius freezing point of ice crystal storage volume heat faster more intense action iced cold time much shorter than ordinary ice crystal. 2 convenient access at any time. No Bingpo available to avoid trouble like when Fu under the system to be re-frozen ice crystal production run or the urgent need to cool the situation. こちらの商品はお届けまでに3週間前後お時間をいただきます。



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